Immediate aid for refugees
Actually flying help e.V. do not ask for donation money!
On the Greek island Kos, several hundred people are living in the ruins of concrete buildings that might collapse any time. Located near the hotspot, families with children built compartments in the ruins with walls made of paper and plastik sheets. The fire hazard is enormous, if there was a fire, many people would be injured or dead.
In the hotspot we can offer living space for about 800 people in several cabins and containers. But there are around 3800 people on the island (source: UNHCR, last checked 12/2019). Hygiene states aren't imaginable.
flying help e.V. is supporting everyone on site. We are in constant consultation with the hotspot's coordinating team and UNHCR to find accomodation for everyone.
Every single euro given is directly helping!
Your donation to:
flying help e.V.
IBAN: DE57 75061168 000 1093371
You can get contribution receipts on demand.
Please sign our note of protest.